21 Jan


Garlic is a plant in the Allium (onion) family.

It is closely related to onions, shallots and leeks. Each segment of a garlic bulb is called a clove. There are about 10–20 cloves in a single bulb, give or take.

Garlic grows in many parts of the world and is a popular ingredient in cooking due to its strong smell and delicious taste.

However, throughout ancient history, the main use of garlic was for its health and medicinal properties.

Here are the 7 Proven Benefits of Garlic;

  1. Reduces Blood pressure: the active compounds in garlic can reduce Blood pressure. Cardiovascular diseases like heart attacks and strokes are the world’s biggest killers. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is one of the most important drivers of these diseases. Human studies have found garlic supplements to have a significant impact on reducing blood pressure in people with high blood pressure.
  2. Lowers Cholesterol Level: Garlic improves cholesterol levels which may lower the risk of heart disease. For those with high cholesterol, garlic supplements appear to reduce total and/or LDL(low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol by about 10–15%. Garlic supplements seem to reduce total and LDL cholesterol, particularly in those who have high cholesterol. HDL
    cholesterol and triglycerides do not seem to be affected.
  3. Contains Antioxidants: Garlic contains antioxidant that may help prevent Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia. Oxidative damage from free radicals contributes to the aging process. Garlic contains antioxidants that support the body’s protective mechanisms against oxidative damage. High doses of garlic supplements have been shown to increase antioxidant enzymes in humans, as well as significantly reduce oxidative stress in those with high blood pressure. The combined effects on reducing cholesterol and blood pressure, as well as the antioxidant properties, may reduce the risk of common brain diseases like Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.
  4. Help You live longer: The potential effects of garlic on longevity are basically impossible to prove in humans. But given the beneficial effects on important risk factors like blood pressure, it makes sense that garlic could help you live longer. The fact that it can fight infectious disease is also an important factor, because these are common causes of death, especially in the elderly or people with dysfunctional immune systems.
  5. Improves physical Performance: Athletic performance might be improved with garlic supplements. Garlic was one of the earliest “performance enhancing” substances. It was traditionally used in ancient cultures to reduce fatigue and enhance the work capacity of laborers. Rodent studies have shown that garlic helps with exercise performance, but very few human studies have been done. People with heart disease who took garlic oil for 6 weeks had a 12% reduction in peak heart rate and better exercise capacity.
  6. Helps Detoxify heavy metals in the body: At high doses, the Sulphur compounds in garlic have been shown to protect against organ damage from heavy metal toxicity. A four-week study in employees of a car battery plant (excessive exposure to lead) found that garlic reduced lead levels in the blood by 19%. It also reduced many clinical signs of toxicity, including headaches and blood pressure.
  7. Improves bone Health: Studies have shown that it can minimize bone loss by increasing estrogen in females. One study in menopausal women found that a daily dose of dry garlic extract (equal to 2 grams of raw garlic) significantly decreased a marker of estrogen deficiency; This suggests that this supplement may have beneficial effects on bone health in women.

Garlic is easy to include in your diet and it tastes absolutely delicious. It complements most savory dishes, particularly soups and sauces. Garlic comes in several forms, from whole cloves and smooth pastes to powders and supplements like garlic extract and garlic oil.

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